Lake Ronkonkoma Civic Organization

Local Holiday Events

Saturday December 3rd:  Holiday Boutique, see flyer below

Sunday December 4th:  Christmas Tree Lighting, see flyer below

Monday December 5th thru Friday December 9th:  Garden of Lights at Sachem Library, 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM

Saturday December 10th:  Holiday Night Market at Sachem Library, 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM

Sunday December 11th:  Lake Ronkonkoma Historical Society annual Holiday Party at Trio's in Holbrook, 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM, call Evelyn at 631-588-7599 for more info

Monday December 12th thru Friday December 16th:  Garden of Lights at Sachem Library, 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM

Tuesday December 13th:  "White Christmas" from 1954, 7:00 PM at Cinema Arts Centre in Huntington

Cinema Arts Centre - WHITE CHRISTMAS (

Sunday December 18th: "It's a Wonderful Life" from 1947:  3:30 PM at Island 16 Cinema in Holtsville and also at 3:30 PM and 7:00 PM at AMC Stony Brook Cinema

Tuesday December 20th:  "Meet Me in St. Louis" from 1944, 7:00 PM at Cinema Arts Centre in Huntington

Cinema Arts Centre - MEET ME IN ST. LOUIS (

Wednesday December 21st: "It's a Wonderful Life" from 1947:  7:00 PM at Island 16 Cinema in Holtsville and also at 7:00 PM at AMC Stony Brook Cinema
Here are some holiday events that you may be interested in:

November LRCO Meeting - Here's what you missed...

If you missed the November meeting last week, here are just a few of the topics we discussed:
• Brookhaven Town Councilman Neil Foley attended the meeting and provided a number of community updates and engaged in discussion on the following:
⁃ Proposal to create a "pocket park" on land owned by the Sachem school district.  The parcel is located at the corner of Union Avenue and Coates Avenue.
⁃ A proposal off of Union Avenue to build apartments in a residential area will apparently not go forward. However, the property owner has been issued violations by Brookhaven Town related to current use of the property.
⁃ Proposed 7-11 on the corner of Hawkins & Portion.
⁃ Newton's Garage parcel.
⁃ Michael Murphy Park homeless person issue.
⁃ Paring problems at the hub apartments.
⁃ Hawkins Avenue bridge over the Expressway - why has one lane been closed for months?  Is the bridge sound?
⁃ Proposed 7-11 on the former miniature golf parcel.
⁃ Union Avenue paving project.

• The Lake Ronkonkoma Historical Society will be holding their annual Holiday Party on December 11th at Trio's from 1 PM to 5 PM.

• The civic organization, the chamber and the historical society meeting will be meeting to discuss ways to integrate residents of the hub into the Hawkins Avenue business corridor.

Next Civic Meeting on November 10th

IN PERSON at the Sachem Public Library.  

Local elected officials have been invited to provide updates and answer questions.

In addition, we will discuss local development projects and other community news.   

We'll have an open forum to discuss any other issues you may want to bring up about the community.

Date:  Thursday, November 10th
Time:  7:00 PM

Location:  Sachem Public Library, Community Room B
Please join us Thursday for the November meeting of the Lake Ronkonkoma Civic Organization which will be

Brookhaven Special Recycling Events
The E-Waste, Paper Shredding and Drug Take Back events are for residents to safely dispose of unused electronic devices, have their old paper documents securely shredded and to safely dispose of old prescription drugs. Call 631-451-8696 for more information.
Dates and Times
Saturday, November 5 - 9:30am to 1:30pm, South Country Library, Bellport
Documents brought in for shredding will be dumped into a 65-gallon container and then into the shredder, enabling each participant to witness the secure destruction of sensitive papers. Paper can be brought in boxes or bags. Documents can remain stapled together, but paper clips and other metal must be removed along with any other contaminants such as rubber bands.
Residents are urged to bring the following electronic items to be recycled:
VCR & DVD Players
Computer Mice    
Hard Drives    
Electronic Typewriters
Circuit Boards
Power Supplies
Radios / Stereos
Backup Batteries
Handheld Electronic Toys
Cell Phones
Answering Machines
Fax Machines
Contact Us
For further information, please 
contact our Department of Recycling and Sustainable Materials Management or call at 631-451-8696.
Please see click on link for special recycling days for electronics, pharmaceuticals and paper shredding in the Town of Brookhaven.  The next event for 2022 is on Saturday in Bellport.  This is the last event for 2022; the town will schedule additional events starting in the spring of 2023.

Lake Ronkonkoma Historical Society Annual Holiday Party


The Lake Ronkonkoma Historical Society presents their annual Victorian Tea


Meet the Candidates at Sachem Library!

Join us at Sachem Library on Wednesday, October 12th at 7PM for Meet the Candidates Night! Organized by us here at the Chamber and the Lake Ronkonkoma Civic Organization, meet your candidates so you're best informed and involved in our community!


September LRCO Meeting - Here's what you missed...

Please join us at our monthly civic meetings, you don't need to be a member to participate (but it would be great you did become a dues-paying member).  We are back to having in-person meetings at the Sachem Library.   Please share this email with others in the community who may be interested.   If you missed the September meeting, here are just a few of the topics we discussed:
Brookhaven Town Councilman Kevin LaValle attended the meeting and provided a number of community updates including:
  • The proposed restaurant on the corner of Hawkins & Portion, and the dead Christmas tree on that property.
  • The proposed Popeye's on Portion Road.
  • A proposal off of Union Avenue to build apartments in a residential area will apparently not go forward. 
  • An update on the proposed 7-11 on the corner of Hawkins & Portion.
  • Plans for the old Chase Bank building on Portion Road.
  • The Dunkin Donuts drive-thru.
  • The Midway Crossing proposal
  • Newton's Garage parcel
  • Re-districting, i.e changes to council district boundaries in Brookhaven
  • Proposed 7-11 on the former miniature golf parcel
  • Plans for the Smithhaven Mall
  • Upcoming recycling event at the library
  • Kevin Hyms, Ronkonkoma Chamber of Commerce President, announced that the Chamber and the Civic will be holding a joint Meet the Candidates event in October, details to follows.
  • Planned Development Informational Meetings

    Suffolk County is hosting informational open house sessions on the planned development project being proposed just south of the Ronkonkoma LIRR Station, called Midway Crossing.
    The meetings are scheduled to take place at the Lakeland Fire Department, 929 Johnson Ave, Ronkonkoma, on 7/11 and 7/21 from 2pm to 8pm.
    Both meetings will feature the same information so you do not needed to attend both nights.

    May LRCO Meeting - Here's what you missed...

    If you missed the May meeting, here are just a few of the topics we discussed:
    The civic has started planning for this summer's concerts at Raynor Park.  The concerts will be held on the first three Thursdays in August.  Rusty Spur will be on August 4th.  Pure Joy will be on August 11th.  Just Sixties will be on August 18th.  All start at 7 PM. 

    • We discussed proposed development for the old plumbing supply site on Portion Road and also plans for the new building at the corner of Hawkins and Portion.  We also discussed the old Newton's Garage parcel.

    • Bob Martinez, Legislative Aide to Suffolk County Legislator Nick Caracappa, spoke to the civic about a number of issues including the South Hub project, helicopter activity in the area, the renaming of Farmingville Hills County Park in honor of the late Legislator Tom Muratore and proposed improvements to County Road 83.

    • Kevin Hyms, Ronkonkoma Chamber of Commerce President, announced that the Chamber will be holding two street fairs in 2022:  the first on Sunday May 29th and the second on Sunday September 4th, both on Hawkins Avenue.

    • The annual Memorial Day Parade will be on May 30th at 10 AM. 

      The Superintendent and Deputy Superintendent of Sachem School District (Christopher Pellettieri and John O'Keefe, respectively) attended the civic meeting to present information on the upcoming budget vote on Tuesday May 17th .  The tax levy will be increasing by 2.07%, within the NYS tax cap.  The main driver of the increase is the extension of the middle and senior high school class day from 8 periods to 9 periods.  Details on the budget can be found at this link:   

    The Great Brookhaven Cleanup

    Volunteer to Keep Lake Ronkonkoma Clean!
    Join the Annual Great Brookhaven Cleanup on
    Saturday, May 14, 2022

    The Town of Brookhaven will once again participate in Keep America Beautiful’s Great American Cleanup and Ronkonkoma residents can participate and help keep the Lake Ronkonkoma shoreline clean and beautiful.
    Meet up with the Lake Ronkonkoma Improvement Group (LRIG) at
    Brookhaven’s Michael P. Murphy Beach on Lake Shore Road at 9:30 am and walk the shoreline of the lake picking up litter and garbage.
    The town will supply gloves, bags and t-shirts. LRIG will supply grabbers and buckets. Community service letters will be available.
    For details, visit or call 631-451-6222

    Thomas Muratore Park Dedication April 23


    Blood Drive April 22


    March LRCO Meeting - Here's what you missed...

    Please join us at our monthly civic meetings, you don't need to be a member to participate (but it would be great you did become a dues-paying member). 

    If you missed last week's meeting, here are just a few of the topics we discussed:

    • The civic has started planning for this summer's concerts at Raynor Park.  More info to follow on dates & performers.
    • The civic's board met with the owners of a vacant strip shopping center on Ronkonkoma Avenue that will be converted into a house of worship.  We provided input on the proposed changes to the building.
    • A developer is proposing a fast food restaurant on Portion Road.  The civic's board reviewed the plans for the new building and provided feedback.
    • We had an update from the Sachem Library director on events and programming:  The monthly newsletter will be smaller in size starting with the May issue so keep an eye out for it.  The annual library budget vote will be on Tuesday April 5th from 9:30 AM to 9:00 PM.  A new community garden will be open in May.  A book drop will be placed at Brookhaven Town Hall in Farmingville sometime in April.  The library will have three outside summer concerts on June 24, July 22 and August 19.
    • Bob Martinez, Legislative Aide to Suffolk County Legislator Nick Caracappa, spoke to the civic about the Downtown Revitalization Grants being administered by the Suffolk County Department of Economic Development and Planning.  We discussed possible grant projects for downtown Lake Ronkonkoma and the process to obtain the grant funding.